The 6th Symphony in Erevan

posters of Terterian related concerts

The 6th Symphony in ErevanThe 5th Symphony in ErevanArmen Patvakanyan sent us two posters of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra.
The first poster announces the performance of the 6th Symphony, conducted by Rouben Asatrian, february 16, 2001.

The second poster announces the performance of the 5th Symphony, this time conducted by Murad Annamamedov

The Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra on the web
In Erevan, Murad Annamamedov conducted the 5th Symphony, February 15, as announced on the poster left.

The 6th Symphony in Erevan


The 6th Symphony in ErevanThe 5th Symphony in ErevanArmen Patvakanyan schickte uns zwei Plakate des  Armenischen Philharmonischen Orchesters.
Das erste Plakat kündigt die Aufführung der 6.  Symphonie, dirigiert von Rouben Asatrian, am 16. Februar 2001 an.

Das zweite Plakat bewirbt die Aufführung der 5ten Symphonie mit dem Dirigenten Murad Annamamedov.

Die Webseite des  Armenischen Philharmonischen Orchesters
Murad Annamamedov dirigierte die 5.te Symphonie am 15. Februar 2001 in Eriwan.