Review: The 6th Symphony in Utrecht

Terterian’s 6th Symphonie in Utrecht

January 12, 2001 6th symphonie Avet Terterians was performed as part of the series Muziek in Hertz in Utrecht. This concert was broadcasted by radio as well.

The series Muziek in Her(t)z is performed in the Muziekcentrum Vredenburg in Utrecht. The concentration is layed on compositions for orchestra and tapes. The first concert was given in April 1999 with Mark Forster as conductor.

January 12, 2001 the program listed Heiner Goebbels’ La Jalousie für Sprecher und Ensemble, Oehring/Ter Schiphorst Polaroids and Terterian’s 6th symphony for chamberorchestra, chamberchoir and nine phonograms.

The durch radio announced the series at

A concertseries like this one never happed before and should be classified as unique.
They continue:
After the pause the netherland premiere of the 6th symphony of the late composer Avet Terterian is to be heard. This armenian composer, who died 6 years ago, wrote very remarkable music, which was very seldom heard in our country. In his symphony for chamber orchestra and chamber choir, 9 tapes (LP) are added at precisely defined times. Maybe one could regard this as early Scratch.

The 6th symphony was performed by the Radiokamerorkstra and the Capella Amsterdam, conducted by Peter Eötvös and, as Willem P. Heuseveldt informed us, was very much appreciated by the audience.

Konzertkritik: Die 6. Symphonie in Utrecht

Terterian’s 6. Symphonie in Utrecht

Am 12. Januar 2001 wurde die 6. symphonie Avet Terterians  aufgeführt im Rahmen der Serie Muziek in Hertz in Utrecht. Dieses Konzert wurde auch im Radio übertragen.

Die Serie  Muziek in Her(t)z wird im Muziekcentrum Vredenburg in Utrecht aufgeführt. Der Schwerpunkt dabei liegt auf Kompositionen für Orchester und Tapes. Das erste Konzert fand im April 99 mit Mark Forster als Dirigent statt.

Am 12. Januar2001 standen  Heiner Goebbels’ La Jalousie für Sprecher und Ensemble, Oehring/Ter Schiphorst Polaroids und Terterian’s 6. Symphonie für Kammerorchester, Kammerchor und Phonogramme auf dem Programm.

Der holländische Rundfunk  kündigte das Konzert au folgendermaßen an:

A concertseries like this one never happed before and should be classified as unique.
They continue:
After the pause the netherland premiere of the 6th symphony of the late composer Avet Terterian is to be heard. This armenian composer, who died 6 years ago, wrote very remarkable music, which was very seldom heard in our country. In his symphony for chamber orchestra and chamber choir, 9 tapes (LP) are added at precisely defined times. Maybe one could regard this as early Scratch.

Die  6. Symphonie wurde vom Radiokammerorchester und und  Capella Amsterdam, dirigiert von Peter Eötvös aufgeführt, und,   wie  Willem P. Heuseveldt uns mitteilte, vom Publikum begeistert aufgenommen.